Which describes nuclear fusion? (1 point)

• starts when a neutron slams into an atom, causing the larger atom to split into two smaller atoms
• starts when a neutron slams into an atom, causing two atoms to form one, heavier atom
• starts when two atoms slam together, causing the larger atom to split into two smaller atoms
O starts when two atoms slam together to form one, heavier atom

The correct answer is: starts when two atoms slam together to form one, heavier atom.

The correct answer is: starts when two atoms slam together to form one, heavier atom.

The correct answer is: starts when two atoms slam together to form one, heavier atom.

Explanation: Nuclear fusion is a process in which two atomic nuclei come together to form a single, heavier atomic nucleus. This process releases a large amount of energy. In the context of nuclear fusion, the atoms involved are typically isotopes of hydrogen, such as deuterium or tritium. When these hydrogen isotopes fuse together, they form a helium atom and release a tremendous amount of energy in the process. This is the process that powers the sun and other stars, where immense heat and pressure cause nuclear fusion reactions to occur. In order to achieve nuclear fusion on Earth, scientists are working on developing technologies that can recreate the extreme conditions necessary for fusion to happen, such as using powerful magnetic fields or high-energy lasers.