tell which are bold, underline, or italic

1. If I were a princess, I would wear a sparkled crown.
2. Watch out for cars when crossing the street.
3. Suzanne prefers dogs over cats.
4. The soccer field was muddy after the rain.
5. If I were there, I would give you a hug.
6. clean up your room!

1. sparkled (bold)

2. None
3. None
4. muddy (bold)
5. None
6. None

Here are the bold, underline, or italic formatting in the given sentences:

1. If I were a princess, I would wear a sparkled crown. --> None
2. Watch out for cars when crossing the street. --> None
3. Suzanne prefers dogs over cats. --> None
4. The soccer field was muddy after the rain. --> None
5. If I were there, I would give you a hug. --> None
6. clean up your room! --> None

To identify which words are bold, underline, or italic in the given sentences, I'll go through each sentence and identify the formatting. Here are the results:

1. If I were a princess, I would wear a sparkled crown. (None)
2. Watch out for cars when crossing the street. (None)
3. Suzanne prefers dogs over cats. (None)
4. The soccer field was muddy after the rain. (None)
5. If I were there, I would give you a hug. (None)
6. clean up your room! (None)

Based on the provided sentences, none of the words are bold, underlined, or italicized.