tell which sentences bold, underline, or italic

If I were a princess, I would wear a sparkled crown.
Watch out for cars when crossing the street.
Suzanne prefers dogs over cats.
The soccer field was muddy after the rain.
If I were there, I would give you a hug.
clean up your room!

If I were a princess, I would wear a sparkled crown.

Watch out for cars when crossing the street.
Suzanne prefers dogs over cats.
The soccer field was muddy after the rain.
If I were there, I would give you a hug.
clean up your room!

If I were a princess, I would wear a sparkled crown.

Watch out for cars when crossing the street.
Suzanne prefers dogs over cats.
The soccer field was muddy after the rain.
If I were there, I would give you a hug.
clean up your room!

To identify which sentences should be bolded, underlined, or italicized, you need to consider the purpose or style behind using these formatting options.

1. If I were a princess, I would wear a sparkled crown.
None of the words in this sentence need any special formatting.

2. Watch out for cars when crossing the street.
None of the words in this sentence need any special formatting.

3. Suzanne prefers dogs over cats.
None of the words in this sentence need any special formatting.

4. The soccer field was muddy after the rain.
None of the words in this sentence need any special formatting.

5. If I were there, I would give you a hug.
None of the words in this sentence need any special formatting.

6. Clean up your room!
In this sentence, you might choose to bold or underline the phrase "clean up your room!" to emphasize the command being given. Italicizing is less common for commands, but it can also be used for emphasis.

In summary, the sentence "Clean up your room!" can be bolded or underlined for emphasis, and it could also be italicized for further emphasis, although italics are less commonly used for commands.