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Creativity helps with innovation in many fields. Which of the following statements is not true about creativity helping in the field of computer technology?
(1 point)

Creativity has helped with the design of types of games that are created.

Creativity has helped inventors to create new computer programs.

Creativity has helped with the visual design of systems.

Creativity has helped with very little in the development of technology.
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The correct answer is: Creativity has helped with very little in the development of technology.

To answer this question, we need to identify the statement that is not true about creativity helping in the field of computer technology. The options given are:

1. Creativity has helped with the design of types of games that are created.
2. Creativity has helped inventors to create new computer programs.
3. Creativity has helped with the visual design of systems.
4. Creativity has helped with very little in the development of technology.

To determine the correct answer, we need to eliminate the statements that are true.

Statement 1 suggests that creativity has helped with the design of types of games that are created. This is true, as creativity plays a significant role in game design.

Statement 2 suggests that creativity has helped inventors create new computer programs. This is also true, as creativity is essential for coming up with innovative and novel ideas for software development.

Statement 3 suggests that creativity has helped with the visual design of systems. Again, this is true, as creative visual design can enhance the user experience and make systems more appealing and intuitive.

Statement 4 suggests that creativity has helped with very little in the development of technology. This statement contradicts the importance of creativity in the field of computer technology. The development of technology often requires creative problem-solving, out-of-the-box thinking, and innovative approaches.

Based on the above analysis, the statement that is not true about creativity helping in the field of computer technology is statement 4: Creativity has helped with very little in the development of technology.

The correct statement that is not true about creativity helping in the field of computer technology is: "Creativity has helped with very little in the development of technology."