the three C's for responding to an emergency are

a control
b call
c check
d care

The three C's for responding to an emergency are:

1. Control: Assess the situation and take necessary steps to ensure your own safety and the safety of others. This may involve removing any immediate threats or dangers from the scene, such as moving someone out of harm's way or turning off a source of danger.

2. Call: Contact emergency services, such as dialing the appropriate emergency number (e.g., 911 in the United States). Provide them with accurate and concise information about the emergency, including the location and nature of the situation.

3. Care: Provide appropriate care and first aid to the person in need. This may involve assessing their condition, providing basic life support (CPR), controlling bleeding, or providing comfort until professional medical help arrives.

The correct answer is:

The three C's for responding to an emergency are:
1. Control: First and foremost, ensure your own safety and the safety of others in the immediate area. Assess the situation and remove any potential hazards, if possible.
2. Call: Contact emergency services or any appropriate authorities, depending on the nature of the emergency. Provide them with necessary information about the situation and location.
3. Care: Once you have taken control of the situation and called for help, provide necessary care to the affected individual(s) until professional help arrives. This may involve providing basic first aid or ensuring their comfort and emotional support.

So, the correct options are:
a) control
b) call
d) care

The three C's for responding to an emergency are:

1. Control: This refers to taking control of the situation and ensuring the safety of yourself, the victim, and others. First, assess the scene for any potential hazards and make sure to remove or minimize them if possible. It is essential to ensure your safety before providing aid to anyone.

2. Call: Once the scene is secure, call for emergency assistance, such as dialing the appropriate emergency number (e.g., 911 in the United States). Provide precise and accurate information about the situation, location, and any injuries or medical conditions observed.

3. Care: After contacting emergency services, provide immediate care or first aid to the affected individual if you have the training and skills to do so. This care can include attending to any life-threatening injuries, such as stopping severe bleeding or performing CPR if needed, until professional medical help arrives.

So, the correct answer is:
a) Control
b) Call
d) Care

By applying the three C's in an emergency situation, you can effectively take charge, get help on the way, and provide initial care to the person in need while waiting for further medical assistance.