which of the following was designed to keep the colonist from moving into the ohio river valley?

pontiac's proclamation
stamp act
proclamation of 1763
townshend acts

proclamation of 1763

The proclamation that was specifically designed to keep the colonists from moving into the Ohio River Valley was the Proclamation of 1763.

Now, let me explain how to find the answer to this question.

To determine which of the provided options was designed to keep the colonists from moving into the Ohio River Valley, it is necessary to have an understanding of American history during the colonial period. In this case, it requires knowledge of key events and governmental actions during that time.

An effective research strategy would involve consulting historical resources such as history textbooks, reliable websites, or encyclopedias. These sources would provide the necessary information to identify the proclamation that sought to restrict colonists from settling in the Ohio River Valley.

By comparing the provided options - Pontiac's Proclamation, Stamp Act, Proclamation of 1763, and Townshend Acts - to the information gathered from trusted sources, one can identify the correct answer as the Proclamation of 1763.

The proclamation that was designed to keep the colonists from moving into the Ohio River Valley was the Proclamation of 1763.