unit 3 lesson 5

slope as the unit rate quick check
use the image to answer the question
(0,0), (6,6)
explain why the slope is positive or negative
the slope is positive because the line increases as you move from left to right on the graph.
the slope is negative because the line increase as you move from left to right on the graph.
the slope is positive because the line decreases as you move from left to right on the graph.
the slope is negative because the line decreases as you move from left to right on the graph.

The correct answer is:

the slope is positive because the line increases as you move from left to right on the graph.

The correct answer is:

The slope is positive because the line increases as you move from left to right on the graph.

To determine the slope of a line using two points, you can use the formula:

slope = (change in y-coordinates) / (change in x-coordinates)

In this case, the two given points are (0,0) and (6,6). The change in y-coordinates is 6 - 0 = 6, and the change in x-coordinates is 6 - 0 = 6.

So the slope = 6/6 = 1.

Now, let's consider the four options provided.

Option 1: "The slope is positive because the line increases as you move from left to right on the graph."

This statement is correct. If you look at the graph, as you move from left to right, the line is increasing. Therefore, the slope is positive.

Option 2: "The slope is negative because the line increase as you move from left to right on the graph."

This statement is incorrect. The line is not decreasing as you move from left to right on the graph.

Option 3: "The slope is positive because the line decreases as you move from left to right on the graph."

This statement is incorrect. The line is not decreasing as you move from left to right on the graph.

Option 4: "The slope is negative because the line decreases as you move from left to right on the graph."

This statement is incorrect. The line is not decreasing as you move from left to right on the graph.

Therefore, the correct answer is: "The slope is positive because the line increases as you move from left to right on the graph."