Which factor best explains why Native Americans were able to make permanent settlements?

a. Native Americans began to cultivate plants for food

b. Native Americans began to create more complex tools and pottery

c. Native Americans discovered alternate food sources, such as shellfish

d.Native Americans wanted to band together in large groups for protection

The factor that best explains why Native Americans were able to make permanent settlements is a. Native Americans began to cultivate plants for food.

a. Native Americans began to cultivate plants for food

To answer this question, we need to evaluate each option and determine which factor best explains why Native Americans were able to make permanent settlements.

a. Native Americans began to cultivate plants for food: This option suggests that Native Americans were able to make permanent settlements because they began to grow their own food. Agriculture and crop cultivation are crucial for sustaining sedentary societies. By cultivating plants for food, Native Americans may have been able to establish stable settlements and rely less on hunting and gathering.

b. Native Americans began to create more complex tools and pottery: This option implies that advancements in tool-making and pottery contributed to the establishment of permanent settlements. More sophisticated tools would have helped with various tasks such as hunting, farming, and building shelters. Additionally, pottery may have facilitated storage and preservation of food, enabling settled communities.

c. Native Americans discovered alternate food sources, such as shellfish: This option suggests that Native Americans were able to settle permanently because they found alternative sources of food, such as shellfish. Expanding their diet beyond land-based resources could have provided a more reliable and abundant food supply, which in turn enabled settling in coastal or riverine areas.

d. Native Americans wanted to band together in large groups for protection: This option proposes that the desire for protection was the primary factor in the establishment of permanent settlements. By uniting in larger communities, Native Americans could better defend against external threats, leading to the need for settled living arrangements.

After considering these options, the one that best explains why Native Americans were able to make permanent settlements is option a. Native Americans began to cultivate plants for food. Cultivating crops would have provided a consistent and controlled food supply, reducing dependence on unpredictable hunting and gathering. As a result, stable settlements could be established, fostering the growth of more complex societies over time.