Change 0.245 to percentage

To change 0.245 to a percentage, you need to multiply it by 100 and then add the percentage symbol (%).

0.245 * 100 = 24.5%

Therefore, 0.245 is equal to 24.5%.

To convert a decimal number to a percentage, you need to multiply it by 100. Here's how you can do that:

Step 1: Take the decimal number 0.245.
Step 2: Multiply it by 100: 0.245 * 100 = 24.5.
Step 3: Place a percentage symbol (%) after the number: 24.5%.

So, 0.245 is equal to 24.5% when expressed as a percentage.

To change 0.245 to a percentage, follow these steps:

1. Multiply 0.245 by 100: 0.245 * 100 = 24.5.

2. Add the percentage symbol (%): 24.5%.

Therefore, 0.245 is equal to 24.5%.