An American colonist who supported the British government before and during the American Revolution is called a(1 point) Responses Patriot Patriot Loyalist Loyalist Preamble Preamble Declarationist


A colonist who supported the British government before and during the American Revolution is called a Loyalist.

The correct answer is Loyalist. A Loyalist was an American colonist who remained loyal to the British government before and during the American Revolution. They believed in maintaining close ties with Britain and often opposed the actions of the Patriots, who sought independence from British rule.

To arrive at this answer, one would need to have some background knowledge of the American Revolution and the opposing sides involved. A good way to find this information would be to consult history textbooks, reliable historical sources, or credible websites that provide information about the American Revolution and its key figures. Additionally, accessing primary sources from the time period, such as letters or writings from American colonists, can also provide insight into the beliefs and perspectives of Loyalists.