“Other possible causes include land development and changes in agricultural practices around the world.”

How does this support my claim that the negative impact on organisms can be attributed to various human activities?

The statement supports your claim that various human activities can have a negative impact on organisms because it suggests that land development and changes in agricultural practices, both of which are human activities, can be potential causes of harm to organisms. By acknowledging these activities as possible causes, it implies that humans are directly or indirectly responsible for the negative effects on organisms.

This statement suggests that land development and changes in agricultural practices can contribute to the negative impact on organisms. By acknowledging these as "possible causes," it implies that human activities are indeed responsible for the negative impact on organisms. To support your claim that the negative impact can be attributed to various human activities, you can use this statement as evidence.

To further reinforce your claim, you can explain the relationship between land development, changes in agricultural practices, and the negative impact on organisms. For example, land development often involves deforestation, which results in habitat loss for many species. Changes in agricultural practices, such as increased pesticide use or the removal of natural habitats for farming, can also negatively affect organisms by disrupting ecosystems, contaminating water sources, or reducing biodiversity. Therefore, these human activities contribute to the overall negative impact on organisms in various ways.

This statement supports your claim that various human activities can have a negative impact on organisms. The statement mentions two specific human activities, land development and changes in agricultural practices, as possible causes of this impact. By acknowledging that these activities can contribute to the negative effects on organisms, it implies that human actions are responsible for the harm being done. This supports your claim by illustrating that there are multiple ways in which human activities can negatively affect organisms.