milly reads 20 pages in 4 minutes sara reads 12 pages in 3 minutes

To find the reading speed for each person, divide the number of pages read by the number of minutes it took:

Milly: 20 pages / 4 minutes = 5 pages per minute
Sara: 12 pages / 3 minutes = 4 pages per minute

To compare Milly's and Sara's reading speeds, let's calculate their reading speeds:

Milly reads 20 pages in 4 minutes, so her reading speed is:
20 pages / 4 minutes = 5 pages per minute

Sara reads 12 pages in 3 minutes, so her reading speed is:
12 pages / 3 minutes = 4 pages per minute

Therefore, Milly reads faster than Sara, with a reading speed of 5 pages per minute compared to Sara's 4 pages per minute.

To find out who reads more pages per minute, we need to calculate Milly's and Sara's reading rates.

To find Milly's reading rate, we divide the number of pages she reads by the time it takes her to read them:
Milly's reading rate = 20 pages / 4 minutes = 5 pages per minute.

To find Sara's reading rate, we divide the number of pages she reads by the time it takes her to read them:
Sara's reading rate = 12 pages / 3 minutes = 4 pages per minute.

Comparing Milly's and Sara's reading rates, we can see that Milly reads more pages per minute.