What step did the artist clearly use when drawing this image?

Two vanish points
Only orthogonal lines
Image Rey in the background

The artist clearly used two vanish points when drawing this image.

Based on the information provided, the artist clearly used the following steps when drawing the image:

1. Determining two vanishing points: The artist identified two points on the horizon line as vanishing points, which are typically used in two-point perspective drawings. These vanishing points help create the illusion of depth and create a sense of perspective in the image.

2. Using only orthogonal lines: Orthogonal lines are straight lines that are perpendicular to the picture plane and converge towards the vanishing points. In this case, the artist used only orthogonal lines, which maintain the perspective and create a realistic representation of space in the drawing.

3. Including Rey in the background: The artist added the character "Rey" in the background of the image. While it is not clear what specific step was taken to include Rey, it can be assumed that the artist incorporated this element by drawing Rey as a separate figure, considering the perspective and scale of the character in relation to the rest of the composition.

Based on the information you provided, it seems that the artist clearly used two vanishing points and only orthogonal lines when drawing the image. To identify these features, you can follow these steps:

1. Look for converging lines: Two vanishing points suggest that the artist employed perspective drawing techniques. Observe the lines in the image and see if they converge towards two specific points on the horizon line.

2. Check for orthogonal lines: Orthogonal lines are vertical or horizontal lines that are perpendicular to each other. Scan the drawing for such lines, as they indicate that the artist followed a structured approach.

3. Identify the presence of two vanishing points: Vanishing points are points on the horizon line where parallel lines appear to converge. Look for parallel lines in the image, such as the edges of buildings or sharp angles, and determine if they meet at two distinct points.

4. Consider the positioning of the subject: If the image includes the character Rey from the Star Wars franchise in the background, analyze how she is positioned in relation to the orthogonal lines and vanishing points. This can help verify if the artist took these elements into account when drawing the image.

By following these steps, you can determine if the artist indeed incorporated two vanishing points, limited themselves to orthogonal lines, and included Rey in the background.