A figure skater practices for 9 hours each day in preparation for the Olympics. How many hours will this skater practice in 9 weeks?(1 point)


405 hours
405 hours

7 hours
7 hours

81 hours
81 hours

567 hours

To find the number of hours the skater will practice in 9 weeks, we need to multiply the number of hours practiced each day (9 hours) by the number of days in 9 weeks (7 days per week):

9 hours/day * 7 days/week * 9 weeks = 567 hours

Therefore, the skater will practice for 567 hours in 9 weeks.

To find the total number of hours the figure skater will practice in 9 weeks, we need to multiply the number of hours practiced per day (9 hours) by the number of days in 9 weeks.

There are 7 days in a week, so in 9 weeks, there are 9 * 7 = 63 days.

Therefore, the figure skater will practice for a total of 9 hours/day * 63 days = 567 hours in 9 weeks.

So the correct answer is 567 hours.

To find out how many hours the figure skater will practice in 9 weeks, we need to multiply the number of hours practiced per day by the number of days in 9 weeks.

Number of hours practiced per day: 9 hours
Number of days in 9 weeks: 9 weeks * 7 days/week = 63 days

Total number of hours practiced in 9 weeks: 9 hours/day * 63 days = 567 hours

Therefore, the figure skater will practice for 567 hours in 9 weeks.