You are then expected to identify a problem in your imaginary class that you

would solve using the technology design process. You need to follow the five phases
and explain in each phase how the problem-solving will unfold.
• The assignment must be done in groups of a maximum of 12 per group.
• You need to give a brief outline of what the identified problem is and why it is
important for it to be solved.
• After identification of the problem, you need to implement each of the 5 phases in
solving the problem.
• Each phase must be accompanied by a brief explanation of what is expected of the
phase, and pictures of the group working on the phase or attach pictures
representative of the phase.
• Each phase must have at least 2 pictures, that represent that particular phase.
• For phase 5, a detailed report must be written, giving feedback on the experience of
putting together the solution and also identifying challenges and benefits. Mitigation
strategies, if any need to be identified in this phase.

Phase 1: Identify the problem

Problem: The problem we have identified in our imaginary class is that students often struggle to collaborate effectively during group projects. This is a significant problem because collaboration is a crucial skill that students need to develop for future success in their careers and personal lives. By not being able to work well with others, students are missing out on valuable learning opportunities and hindering their own growth.

Phase 2: Define the problem

During this phase, we will further define the problem by gathering more information and insights from the students themselves. We will conduct surveys, interviews, and observations to understand the underlying reasons for the lack of effective collaboration. This will help us identify specific areas that need improvement, such as communication, task allocation, accountability, or conflict resolution.

Phase 3: Generate potential solutions

In this phase, we will brainstorm potential solutions to address the identified problem. We will encourage all members of our group to contribute ideas and suggestions. Some potential solutions could include using online collaboration tools, implementing structured group work protocols, providing training on effective collaboration skills, or assigning specific roles within the groups.

Phase 4: Select the best solution

After brainstorming various solutions, we will evaluate each option based on its feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and potential impact. We will weigh the pros and cons of each solution and discuss them as a group. After considering all the factors, we will select the best solution that we believe will effectively address the problem of ineffective collaboration in our imaginary class.

Phase 5: Implement and evaluate the solution

During this phase, we will implement the selected solution and monitor its effectiveness. We will provide training on effective collaboration skills to the students, introduce online collaboration tools to facilitate communication and task management, and establish clear protocols for group work. Throughout the implementation process, we will collect feedback from both students and teachers to evaluate the impact of the solution.

Report on the experience:

Implementing the solution to improve collaboration in our imaginary class was a valuable learning experience. We faced several challenges along the way, such as resistance from some students who were accustomed to working independently or difficulties in integrating the online collaboration tools seamlessly into the class routine. However, we were able to overcome these challenges by providing additional support and emphasizing the benefits of effective collaboration.

Overall, the solution had a positive impact on the class dynamics, with students reporting improved communication, increased productivity, and better teamwork. The online collaboration tools proved to be particularly effective in facilitating communication and task management. However, we noticed that ongoing reinforcement and reminders were crucial to sustaining the positive changes. To address this, we implemented regular check-ins and reflections to ensure students remained committed to collaborative work.

In conclusion, the technological solution we implemented successfully addressed the problem of ineffective collaboration in our imaginary class. The implementation process helped us gain insights into the challenges and benefits of integrating technology into the classroom. Moving forward, we will continue to refine and adapt our solution based on feedback and evaluation, ensuring that collaboration remains a core focus in our teaching and learning approach.

Phase 1: Identify the Problem

The identified problem in our imaginary class is the difficulty in organizing and managing group projects. This is an important problem to solve as group projects are a common form of assessment in many courses and developing skills in teamwork and collaboration is crucial for students' future success. However, without proper organization and management, group projects can often become chaotic and result in unequal distribution of workload, lack of communication, and conflicts among group members.

Phase 2: Explore Solutions

In this phase, we will explore various technological solutions that can help in organizing and managing group projects. We will conduct research to find existing tools and platforms that facilitate effective communication, task delegation, progress tracking, and collaboration among group members. Some potential solutions include project management apps, communication tools, and file sharing platforms.

Phase 3: Develop a Design

Based on the research conducted in the previous phase, we will develop a design for our solution. This design will include the specific features and functionalities required to address the identified problem. We will also consider the user interface and user experience to ensure ease of use and accessibility for all group members. Additionally, we will create a timeline for the development and implementation of the solution.

Phase 4: Implement the Solution

In this phase, we will start implementing the designed solution. This may involve customizing an existing project management app or developing a new platform from scratch. We will assign tasks to different group members based on their expertise and skills. Regular meetings will be held to track progress, address any challenges, and make necessary adjustments to the implementation plan.

Phase 5: Evaluate and Reflect

Once the solution has been implemented, we will evaluate its effectiveness in addressing the identified problem. We will gather feedback from both group members and instructors to assess the usability, efficiency, and impact of the solution. Based on this feedback, we will make further improvements or adjustments to optimize the solution. We will also reflect on the overall experience of working on the problem-solving process, identifying challenges faced and benefits gained. Mitigation strategies will be developed to address any challenges encountered in the future.

By following these five phases of the technology design process, we aim to effectively solve the problem of organizing and managing group projects in our imaginary class. This will enhance collaboration, communication, and productivity among group members, ultimately leading to better learning outcomes and improved overall educational experience.

Phase 1: Empathize

In this phase, we will focus on understanding the problem and the needs of the students in our imaginary class. By empathizing, we can gain insights into the challenges they face and their preferences for a solution. This phase involves actively listening, observing, and engaging with the students.

To begin, our group will conduct interviews with students to gather their perspectives and experiences. We will also observe their behaviors and interactions with technology in the classroom. This will help us identify any common pain points or difficulties they encounter.

Phase 2: Define
In this phase, we will analyze the data collected during the empathy phase to identify the specific problem we will address. It is crucial to clearly define the problem statement to ensure our solution is focused and effective. Through a collaborative process, our group will consolidate and prioritize the insights gathered to create a problem statement.

For example, after analyzing the data, we might find that students struggle to collaborate effectively on group assignments due to limited access to digital tools and difficulties in coordinating their efforts.

Phase 3: Ideate
Once we have defined the problem, we can move on to generating potential solutions. This phase involves brainstorming and ideation sessions to come up with innovative ideas. Our group members will contribute their ideas and perspectives to create a diverse range of possible solutions.

For instance, our ideation sessions might lead us to consider developing a collaborative online platform for students to work together on assignments, providing features like real-time document editing and communication tools.

Phase 4: Prototype
In this phase, we will transform our ideas into tangible prototypes. Prototyping involves creating a scaled-down version of the solution to test and evaluate its feasibility. Our group will create a basic prototype of the collaborative online platform using wireframing tools or mockup software.

We will include features such as document sharing, chat functionality, and task management. The goal is to create a prototype that can be shown to users and gather their feedback for further refinement.

Phase 5: Test
During the testing phase, we will gather feedback from the students by sharing the prototype and observing their interaction with it. We will conduct usability tests and collect feedback through surveys or interviews. This feedback will be crucial in refining and improving the prototype.

Based on the feedback received, we will make necessary iterations and modifications to the prototype. This iterative process of testing and refining will continue until we achieve a solution that effectively addresses the identified problem.

Report on the experience:
Throughout the problem-solving process, our group faced several challenges, such as coordinating schedules, balancing different perspectives, and technological constraints. However, the benefits of working together far outweighed the challenges. We learned the importance of effective communication and collaboration within a group setting. Mitigation strategies included regular meetings, assigning clear roles and responsibilities, and leveraging technology tools for remote collaboration.

Overall, the experience of applying the technology design process allowed us to understand the problem in-depth and develop a meaningful solution. The phased approach helped us stay organized and ensured that our solution was user-centered and iterative. Through continuous testing and feedback, we were able to create a prototype that addressed the students' needs and enhanced their collaboration experience.