Use the commutative and associative properties as needed to simplify the expression.

(12 + a) + 13

(12 + a) + 13 = ​(Simplify your​ answer.)

12 + a + 13 (by the commutative property)

= (12 + 13) + a (by the associative property)

= 25 + a (by simplifying the addition)

To simplify the expression (12 + a) + 13 using the commutative property, we can rearrange the terms:

(12 + a) + 13 = 12 + (a + 13)

Now, using the associative property, we can group the terms differently:

12 + (a + 13) = (12 + 13) + a

Simplifying further:

(12 + 13) + a = 25 + a

Therefore, the simplified expression is 25 + a.

To simplify the expression (12 + a) + 13 using the commutative and associative properties, we can rearrange the terms and group them differently.

First, let's apply the commutative property, which states that the order of addition doesn't affect the result. Therefore, we can rearrange the terms inside the parentheses:

(12 + a) + 13 = a + 12 + 13

Next, let's apply the associative property, which states that the way the terms are grouped in addition doesn't affect the result. Therefore, we can regroup the terms:

a + 12 + 13 = (a + 12) + 13

Now, the expression is simplified as much as possible using the commutative and associative properties. However, if you want to simplify further, you can evaluate the addition:

(a + 12) + 13 = a + (12 + 13) = a + 25

Therefore, the simplified expression is a + 25.