What does 90.25 degrees equal?

Group of answer choices

90 degrees and 15 minutes

90 degrees 45 minutes

90 degrees 25 minutes

90 degrees and 10 minutes

None of the above

None of the above.

90.25 degrees does not equate to any of the options given.

To convert 90.25 degrees into degrees and minutes, we can divide the decimal part by 0.60 (since there are 60 minutes in a degree). So, 0.25 divided by 0.60 is approximately 0.4167.

To find the minutes, we multiply 0.4167 by 60, which is about 25. So, 90.25 degrees is equal to 90 degrees and 25 minutes.

Therefore, the correct answer choice is "90 degrees 25 minutes."

To convert 90.25 degrees into degrees and minutes, we need to first separate the whole number part (90 degrees) from the decimal part (0.25).

Since 1 degree is equal to 60 minutes, we can multiply the decimal part (0.25) by 60 to convert it into minutes.

0.25 * 60 = 15

So, 90.25 degrees equals 90 degrees and 15 minutes. The correct answer choice is "90 degrees and 15 minutes".