35. What city is the annual Bayou Classic held in?

The annual Bayou Classic is held in New Orleans, Louisiana.

The annual Bayou Classic is held in New Orleans, Louisiana.

The annual Bayou Classic is held in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana.

To find the answer to this question, you can try several methods:

1. Internet search engine: Using a search engine like Google, Bing, or Yahoo, simply type in the question "What city is the annual Bayou Classic held in?" The search results should provide you with the answer.

2. Official website: Go to the official website of the Bayou Classic, where you can find detailed information about the event, including the location and city where it is held.

3. News sources: Check news articles, press releases, or sports websites that cover the Bayou Classic. These sources often mention the location of the event.

Remember, when searching for specific event information, it can be helpful to use specific keywords like "Bayou Classic location" or "annual Bayou Classic city."