This style of writing would have been found in which civilization?

A Egyptian
B Indus
C Shang
D Sumerian

C Shang

To determine the style of writing found in a particular civilization, we can analyze the characteristics of their writing systems. Here's how you can identify the civilization based on their writing style:

1. Egyptian: The ancient Egyptians used a hieroglyphic writing system. Hieroglyphs are pictorial symbols that represented objects, sounds, and ideas. Egyptian hieroglyphic writing is characterized by the use of complex symbols and a combination of both pictorial and phonetic elements.

2. Indus: The Indus Valley Civilization, also known as the Harappan Civilization, had a writing system that remains undeciphered. The script consists of unique symbols, often in the form of seals and inscriptions on pottery and other artifacts.

3. Shang: The Shang Dynasty of ancient China used an early form of writing known as Oracle Bone Script. It involved inscribing divination questions on animal bones or turtle shells and then interpreting the cracks created by heating the bones. The script consisted of a combination of pictographic and logographic characters.

4. Sumerian: The Sumerians, who lived in Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq) around 3000 BCE, developed one of the earliest known writing systems called cuneiform. Cuneiform involved creating wedge-shaped impressions on clay tablets using a stylus. Sumerian cuneiform consisted of a combination of pictographs (representing objects) and ideographs (representing ideas or concepts).

To determine the correct answer, examine the characteristics of the writing systems and match them to the given options. Based on the given options, the style of writing that would have been found in the civilization is:

D) Sumerian

To determine which civilization had a particular style of writing, we would need to consider the characteristics of that style. Unfortunately, the style of writing you mentioned is not specified in the question. Could you please provide more information or clarify the type of writing you are referring to?