1/9 x -5/6 as a simplified fraction

To find the fraction, we need to find a common denominator for 9 and 6.

The least common denominator is 18.

Now, we can convert 1/9 to have a denominator of 18 by multiplying the numerator and denominator by 2:

1/9 * 2/2 = 2/18

Similarly, we can convert -5/6 to have a denominator of 18 by multiplying the numerator and denominator by 3:

-5/6 * 3/3 = -15/18

So, 1/9 x -5/6 can be written as 2/18 x -15/18.

Multiplying the numerators together gives us:
2 x -15 = -30

And multiplying the denominators gives us:
18 x 18 = 324

Therefore, the simplified fraction is -30/324.

To simplify the fraction 1/9 × -5/6, you need to multiply the numerators (the numbers on top) and multiply the denominators (the numbers at the bottom). Then, you simplify the resulting fraction by canceling out common factors.

Step 1: Multiply the numerators
1 × -5 = -5

Step 2: Multiply the denominators
9 × 6 = 54

Now, you have -5/54 as the resulting fraction. However, this fraction can still be simplified further. Both -5 and 54 have a common factor of 1, so you can divide both the numerator and denominator by 1.

-5 ÷ 1 = -5
54 ÷ 1 = 54

Therefore, the simplified fraction is -5/54.

In summary,
1/9 × -5/6 = -5/54

To simplify the fraction (1/9) multiplied by (-5/6), you can multiply the numerators and denominators together:

(1/9) x (-5/6) = (1 * -5) / (9 * 6)

The product of the numerator is -5, and the product of the denominator is 54. So, the simplified fraction is:
