It is easy and inexpensive to obtain information from ______ of data like a business’s financial and operations reports or customer databases kept on-file.

(1 point)

exploratory sources

exploratory sources

internal sources

internal sources

external sources

external sources

statistical sources

internal sources

The correct answer is internal sources.

To obtain information from internal sources, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the data sources: Determine which internal sources contain the desired information. This may include financial and operations reports, customer databases, or any other internal records that are relevant to your inquiry.

2. Access the data: Gain authorized access to the internal sources of data. This may involve working with the appropriate departments or individuals within the organization who can provide access to the specific data you require.

3. Extract the relevant information: Once you have access to the internal sources, extract the specific data or information you need. This can be done by querying databases, running reports, or analyzing the available records to extract the required data elements.

4. Analyze and interpret the data: After extracting the data, analyze and interpret it to derive meaningful insights and draw conclusions. This may involve using statistical methods, data visualization tools, or other analytical techniques to uncover patterns, trends, or relationships within the data.

Using internal sources of data can be relatively easy and inexpensive since the information is already available within the organization. However, it is important to ensure proper access to internal data and respect any privacy or security policies in place to protect sensitive information.

The correct response is "internal sources."