A balloon is dunked into a tank of cold water. How will this affect the size of the balloon?

A It will shrink.It will shrink.
B It will grow.

A It will shrink

The correct answer is A) It will shrink.

To understand the reason behind this, we need to consider the gas laws, specifically the relationship between temperature and volume. According to Charles's Law, the volume of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature, assuming the pressure remains constant.

When the balloon is dunked into the cold water, the temperature of the air inside the balloon decreases. As a result, the air molecules lose kinetic energy and move with less speed. This decrease in kinetic energy causes the air molecules to come closer together, resulting in a reduction in volume. Therefore, the balloon will shrink in size.

To determine the effect of temperature on the size of the balloon, you can also conduct an experiment. Start by inflating a balloon with a known volume of air. Then, measure the size of the balloon and carefully place it in a tank of cold water. Observe and measure the changes in the balloon's size after it remains submerged in the cold water for a period of time. The balloon should noticeably shrink in response to the cold water.

A. It will shrink.