Ali's farmhouse has a height of 2.307 * 10 ^ 8 meters. Convert the height to centimeters Express your answer in scientific notation to the exact decimal place.

To convert the height from meters to centimeters, we need to multiply by 100:

2.307 * 10^8 meters * 100 centimeters/meter = 2.307 * 10^10 centimeters

Therefore, the height of Ali's farmhouse in centimeters can be expressed in scientific notation as 2.307 * 10^10 cm.

To convert the height of Ali's farmhouse from meters to centimeters, we need to multiply the given value by 100.

Height of Ali's farmhouse = 2.307 * 10^8 meters

To convert meters to centimeters, we multiply by 100:

2.307 * 10^8 meters * 100 = 2.307 * 10^10 centimeters

Therefore, the height of Ali's farmhouse in centimeters is 2.307 * 10^10, expressed in scientific notation.

To convert the height of Ali's farmhouse from meters to centimeters, we need to multiply it by a conversion factor which states that there are 100 centimeters in 1 meter.

Conversion factor: 1 meter = 100 centimeters

So, we can multiply the height in meters by 100 to get the equivalent height in centimeters.

Height in centimeters = Height in meters * Conversion factor

Height in centimeters = 2.307 * 10^8 meters * 100 centimeters/meter

To obtain the answer in scientific notation to the exact decimal place, we can represent the conversion factor as a power of 10.

Conversion factor = 1 * 10^2 centimeters/meter

Height in centimeters = 2.307 * 10^8 meters * 1 * 10^2 centimeters/meter

Multiplying the powers of 10:

Height in centimeters = 2.307 * 1 * 10^(8+2) centimeters

Height in centimeters = 2.307 * 10^10 centimeters

Therefore, Ali's farmhouse has a height of 2.307 * 10^10 centimeters in scientific notation to the exact decimal place.