Heating gas to create plasma can yield

A neutrons.neutrons.
B elements.elements.
C molecules.molecules.
D free electrons.

D free electrons.

The correct answer is D) free electrons.

When gas is heated to a very high temperature, it can undergo a process called ionization, where the atoms in the gas lose or gain electrons. This creates charged particles called ions. At even higher temperatures, the gas can become so energized that the electrons are completely stripped away from the atoms, resulting in a state of matter called plasma.

Plasma is often referred to as the fourth state of matter, alongside solid, liquid, and gas. In plasma, the gas is highly ionized, meaning it consists of positively charged ions and free electrons. These free electrons are not bound to any specific atom and can move freely within the plasma.

So, heating gas to create plasma can yield free electrons, which is option D.

D) Free electrons.

When gas is heated to a high temperature, it can be ionized and transformed into a plasma state. In plasma, the gas becomes highly energized, leading to the formation of free electrons. These free electrons are not bound to an atom and can move freely within the plasma, carrying electric charge and contributing to its unique properties.