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Ideal Gas Law

P*V = n*R*T

P = pressure
V = volume
n = number of moles
R = the universal gas constant
T = temperature in degrees Kelvin

If you fill up a balloon with a small amount of air, then set it in direct sunlight, you will see that the balloon expands. This expansion is due to an increase in volume, which results from
A a decrease in the pressure of the air in the balloon.a decrease in the pressure of the air in the balloon.
B an increase in the temperature of the air in the balloon.an increase in the temperature of the air in the balloon.
C an decrease in the pressure of the air outside of balloon.an decrease in the pressure of the air outside of balloon.
D an increase in the temperature of the rubber that makes the balloon.

B) an increase in the temperature of the air in the balloon.

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the given information and apply the Ideal Gas Law.

In the Ideal Gas Law equation, P*V = n*R*T, we can observe that pressure (P), volume (V), number of moles (n), and temperature (T) are the variables involved.

Given that the balloon is filled with a small amount of air and set in direct sunlight, we are interested in understanding the cause of the balloon's expansion, which links to an increase in volume (V).

Since an increase in volume (V) is the result of the expansion, we need to identify which variable in the equation affects volume (V).

From the equation, we can see that volume (V) is directly related to temperature (T) and indirectly related to pressure (P), number of moles (n), and the universal gas constant (R).

Based on this information, the correct answer should be B) an increase in the temperature of the air in the balloon.

Explanation: When the balloon is exposed to direct sunlight, the air inside the balloon absorbs heat. This increase in temperature causes the air molecules to move faster and collide more frequently with the balloon walls, leading to an increase in the volume of the balloon.

It's important to note that other options, such as a decrease in pressure of the air inside the balloon (A), a decrease in the pressure of the air outside the balloon (C), and an increase in the temperature of the rubber that makes the balloon (D) are not directly related to the volume (V) of the balloon, as indicated by the ideal gas law equation.

The expansion of the balloon in direct sunlight is due to an increase in volume, which is a result of an increase in temperature of the air inside the balloon. Hence, the correct answer is B: an increase in the temperature of the air in the balloon.