Use the notes from your reading of “Third Quarter” to answer the question. How does the form of “At Noon, in the Gym, with Dad” help tell the story? (1 point) Responses The switch to the narrator’s memory of gym class lightens the emotional impact of the poem. The switch to the narrator’s memory of gym class lightens the emotional impact of the poem. The short lines enhance the emotional effect of the lines at the end about the father. The short lines enhance the emotional effect of the lines at the end about the father. The focus on playing basketball makes the reader feel distanced from what happens to the father The focus on playing basketball makes the reader feel distanced from what happens to the father The repeated use of –ing verbs emphasizes the father’s skill on the court.

The short lines enhance the emotional effect of the lines at the end about the father.

The short lines enhance the emotional effect of the lines at the end about the father.

To determine how the form of "At Noon, in the Gym, with Dad" helps tell the story, we can refer to the notes from the reading of the poem. Here are the various options and how they relate to the form of the poem:

1. The switch to the narrator's memory of gym class lightens the emotional impact of the poem.
- This suggests that the switch in form, specifically to the narrator's memory of gym class, serves to decrease the emotional impact of the poem.

2. The short lines enhance the emotional effect of the lines at the end about the father.
- This option suggests that the use of short lines in the poem increases the emotional impact, specifically in relation to the lines about the father towards the end.

3. The focus on playing basketball makes the reader feel distanced from what happens to the father.
- This option implies that the emphasis on playing basketball in the poem creates a sense of detachment from what happens to the father, therefore distancing the reader from the emotions of the situation.

4. The repeated use of -ing verbs emphasizes the father's skill on the court.
- This choice suggests that the repetition of -ing verbs in the poem highlights the father's abilities on the basketball court.

Based on the given options, the most relevant answer would be:
3. The focus on playing basketball makes the reader feel distanced from what happens to the father.

The form of the poem, specifically the focus on playing basketball, creates a disconnect between the reader and the emotional impact of the father's situation. This choice aligns with the idea that the form of the poem helps tell the story by creating a sense of distance and detachment.