Which of these organelles are present in plant cells but not animal cells? Select all that apply.(1 point) Responses large, central vacuole large, central vacuole mitochondria mitochondria chloroplast chloroplast cell wall

- large, central vacuole

- chloroplast
- cell wall

To determine which organelles are present in plant cells but not in animal cells, we need to understand the characteristics of each organelle and compare them to the cell types.

1. Large, central vacuole: This organelle is present in plant cells and is responsible for various functions such as storage, waste disposal, and cell growth. Animal cells may have small vacuoles or multiple smaller compartments, but they do not possess a large, central vacuole. Therefore, this organelle is specific to plant cells.

2. Mitochondria: Mitochondria are found in both plant and animal cells. They are responsible for producing energy through cellular respiration. Therefore, this organelle is not exclusive to plant cells.

3. Chloroplast: Chloroplasts are the organelles responsible for photosynthesis, which is the process of converting light energy into chemical energy in the form of glucose. Plant cells have chloroplasts to perform photosynthesis, while animal cells lack this organelle. Hence, chloroplasts are unique to plant cells.

4. Cell wall: Plant cells have a rigid cell wall made of cellulose, which provides structural support and protection. Animal cells lack a cell wall and instead have a flexible cell membrane. Thus, the cell wall is a characteristic feature of plant cells only.

Therefore, the organelles that are present in plant cells but not in animal cells are:

- Large, central vacuole
- Chloroplast
- Cell wall

The organelles that are present in plant cells but not animal cells are:

1. Large, central vacuole
2. Chloroplast
3. Cell wall