During your teen years, the rapid pace of physical changes may affect your body image.  The following are causes of this rapid change:Choose all that apply(1 point)Responsesplaying sportsplaying sportshormonal changeshormonal changesgrowth spurtsgrowth spurtsbody type

The causes of the rapid pace of physical changes during your teen years that may affect your body image are:

- Hormonal changes
- Growth spurts
- Body type

The causes of rapid physical changes during your teen years that may affect your body image include:

1. Hormonal changes
2. Growth spurts
3. Body type

Please note that playing sports can be a factor that contributes to physical changes, but it is not considered a direct cause in this context.

To determine the causes of the rapid changes that can affect body image during the teen years, you were given a list of options from which to select the correct ones. Let's go through each option to determine if it is a cause of these changes:

1. Playing sports: Playing sports can positively contribute to physical changes such as increased muscle growth, improved coordination, and changes in body composition. These changes can influence body image, so selecting this option as a cause of rapid changes is appropriate.

2. Hormonal changes: During puberty, hormonal changes occur in both males and females. These changes are responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics, such as increased height, breast development in females, and facial hair growth in males. These hormonal changes can have a direct impact on body image, so selecting this option is also correct.

3. Growth spurts: Growth spurts are periods of rapid growth that occur during puberty. They are characterized by an increase in height and changes in body proportions. These physical changes can influence body image, so selecting this option is appropriate.

4. Body type: Body type refers to an individual's natural body shape and can vary among people. While body type itself is not a direct cause of rapid changes during the teen years, it can influence how one perceives and accepts their changing body. However, in the context of the question, body type is not considered a direct cause of the rapid changes, so selecting this option is not necessary.

In conclusion, the correct options to choose are: playing sports, hormonal changes, and growth spurts. These factors contribute to the rapid changes that can affect body image during the teen years.