Professionals use which of the following to determine how workers feel about their jobs?

Ink blot tests
Psychosocial questionnaires
Brainstorming sessions
Nominal group technique

Psychosocial questionnaires

Professionals use psychosocial questionnaires to determine how workers feel about their jobs.

Professionals use psychosocial questionnaires to determine how workers feel about their jobs. Psychosocial questionnaires are structured questionnaires specifically designed to assess various aspects related to individuals' job satisfaction and well-being. They typically cover topics such as job satisfaction, work-life balance, organizational climate, interpersonal relationships, and stress levels.

To administer a psychosocial questionnaire, professionals typically follow these steps:

1. Selection of a reliable and valid psychosocial questionnaire: There are various established questionnaires available, such as the Job Satisfaction Survey, the Occupational Stress Inventory, and the Organizational Climate Measure. The choice of questionnaire depends on the specific purpose and context of the assessment.

2. Distribution of the questionnaire: The questionnaire may be administered electronically or in paper format, depending on the convenience of the workers and the technology available. It is important to ensure that the distribution is anonymous to encourage honest responses.

3. Encouraging participation: Professionals may emphasize the importance of worker participation and assure them that their responses will be treated confidentially. This can increase the likelihood of workers providing honest and accurate feedback.

4. Data collection: Once the questionnaires are completed, professionals collect and compile the responses for analysis. This can be done manually or using specialized software that allows for efficient data management.

5. Data analysis and interpretation: Statistical analyses are typically performed to identify patterns and trends in the responses. This helps professionals understand how workers feel about their jobs and identify areas that need improvement. The interpretation of the results should be done with caution, taking into account the limitations of the questionnaire and the specific context in which it was administered.

By using psychosocial questionnaires, professionals can gain valuable insights into workers' job satisfaction, which in turn can inform organizational strategies and interventions to enhance employee well-being and productivity.