Read the excerpt from "Yearbook.”

Well, that’s definitely a relief. I’m not exactly sure how this all works yet,” Fatima said, a small smile forming on her face.

"Listen, let’s find Mr. Macklenburger and we’ll figure out an interesting role for you. Maybe you can help me interview the drama club tomorrow—just take pictures and I’ll do all the talking. But only if you want, absolutely no pressure,” said Martina.

Based on the interaction between Fatima and Martina, what can the reader conclude about Martina?

She wishes she were in charge of the yearbook staff instead of the advisor.
She tries to manipulate new yearbook club members into doing her work.
She is welcoming and friendly toward new yearbook club members.
She values having fun over completing certain yearbook club tasks.

She is welcoming and friendly toward new yearbook club members.

Based on the interaction between Fatima and Martina, the reader can conclude that Martina is welcoming and friendly toward new yearbook club members.

Based on the interaction between Fatima and Martina, the reader can conclude that Martina is welcoming and friendly toward new yearbook club members. Martina offers to find an interesting role for Fatima and suggests that she can help interview the drama club, only taking pictures while Martina does the talking. Martina also emphasizes that there is no pressure and Fatima can choose to participate or not. This interaction suggests that Martina is inclusive and supportive of new members, making her seem welcoming and friendly.