"Imagine a wolf moving through the northern woods. The movement, over a trail he has traversed many times before, is distinctive, unlike that of a cougar or a bear, yet he appears, if you are watching, sometimes catlike or bearlike. It is purposeful, deliberate movement. Occasionally the rhythm is broken by the wolf's pause to inspect a scent mark, or a move off the trail to paw among stones where a year ago he had cached meat."

Question: Use the passage to answer the question. What is the main idea in the passage from Of Wolves and Men? (1 point) Responses

the random manner in which the wolf moves from one place to another

the wolf's constant search for food

the particular way the wolf travels through the woods

the awareness in the wolf that he is in constant danger

The main idea in the passage from Of Wolves and Men is: the particular way the wolf travels through the woods.

To find the main idea in the passage, we need to analyze the information provided. The passage highlights the distinctive movement of a wolf as it moves through the northern woods. It describes the purposeful and deliberate nature of the wolf's movement, occasionally interrupted by pauses to inspect scent marks or search for cached meat.

Therefore, the main idea of the passage is "the particular way the wolf travels through the woods." This main idea captures the focus on the unique and deliberate movement of the wolf as it navigates its environment.

The main idea in the passage from "Of Wolves and Men" is the particular way the wolf travels through the woods.