Why is it important to protect the environment?(1 point)

to make sure that there is clean land, air, and water for people, animals, and plants
to make sure that there is clean air and clean water for people
to make sure that there is clean land, air, and water for farmers to grow their crops
to make sure that there is clean air and clean water for people and animal

All of the above options are important reasons to protect the environment.

To get the answer to why it is important to protect the environment, we need to consider the impacts of environmental degradation and the benefits of environmental protection.

One key reason why it is important to protect the environment is to ensure that there is clean land, air, and water for people, animals, and plants to thrive. Environmental pollution and degradation can have harmful effects on human health, such as the spread of diseases due to contaminated water sources or polluted air. Protecting the environment helps prevent these health hazards and ensures the well-being of both humans and wildlife.

Another reason to protect the environment is to ensure that there is clean air and clean water specifically for people. Pollution from industries, vehicles, and other human activities can release harmful substances into the air and water, leading to respiratory issues, waterborne diseases, and other health problems. By preserving the quality of air and water, we can promote better health for ourselves and future generations.

Furthermore, protecting the environment is crucial for farmers and agricultural practices. They rely on clean land, air, and water to grow their crops and raise livestock. Pollution and environmental degradation could have detrimental effects on their agricultural yields, leading to food shortages and economic losses. Preserving the environment ensures that farmers have access to the necessary resources for sustainable food production.

In summary, protecting the environment is important to maintain clean land, air, and water for the well-being of people, animals, and plants. It's also important for human health by providing clean air and clean water, as well as for farmers to sustain their agricultural practices.

The correct answer is:

- to make sure that there is clean land, air, and water for people, animals, and plants.