multiples of 132

The multiples of 132 are as follows:

132, 264, 396, 528, 660, 792, 924, 1056, 1188, 1320, 1452, 1584, 1716, 1848, 1980, 2112, 2244, 2376, 2508, 2640, 2772, 2904, 3036, 3168, 3300, 3432, 3564, 3696, 3828, 3960, 4092, 4224, 4356, 4488, 4620, 4752, 4884, 5016, 5148, 5280, 5412, 5544, 5676, 5808, 5940, 6072, 6204, 6336, 6468, 6600, 6732, 6864, 6996, 7128, 7260, 7392, 7524, 7656, 7788, 7920, 8052, 8184, 8316, 8448, 8580, 8712, 8844, 8976, 9108, 9240, 9372, 9504, 9636, 9768, 9900, 10032, 10164, 10296, 10428, 10560, 10692, 10824, 10956, 11088, 11220, 11352, 11484, 11616, 11748, 11880, 12012, 12144, 12276, 12408, 12540, 12672, 12804, 12936, 13068, 13200, 13332, ...

Note: This list only includes the first 100 multiples of 132.

To find the multiples of 132, we need to multiply 132 by different whole numbers.

The multiples of a number are obtained by multiplying it by 1, 2, 3, and so on.

To find the multiples of 132, we can start by multiplying 132 by 1: 132 x 1 = 132
Then, we multiply 132 by 2: 132 x 2 = 264
Next, we multiply 132 by 3: 132 x 3 = 396
Continuing this pattern, we can find more multiples of 132:

132 x 4 = 528
132 x 5 = 660
132 x 6 = 792
132 x 7 = 924
132 x 8 = 1056
132 x 9 = 1188
132 x 10 = 1320

So, the multiples of 132 are: 132, 264, 396, 528, 660, 792, 924, 1056, 1188, 1320, and so on.

To find multiples of 132, we can multiply 132 by each whole number. Here are the first few multiples of 132:

1 x 132 = 132
2 x 132 = 264
3 x 132 = 396
4 x 132 = 528
5 x 132 = 660
6 x 132 = 792
7 x 132 = 924
8 x 132 = 1056
9 x 132 = 1188
10 x 132 = 1320

So, the first 10 multiples of 132 are: 132, 264, 396, 528, 660, 792, 924, 1056, 1188, 1320, and so on.