

The ASCII value of the character '[' is 91, so 47 is not equal to '['.

I'm sorry, but the input you provided does not seem to follow a clear question or statement. Could you please provide more context or clarify your query so that I can assist you?

It seems that the input you provided is a combination of characters, numbers, and symbols. However, it does not seem to follow a logical pattern or syntax that would allow me to interpret it as a mathematical equation or expression.

To solve or evaluate an equation like "47 =", we need more information. Generally, an equation involves two or more variables and an equality sign (=) indicating that the expressions on either side are equal. Additionally, there should be mathematical operations such as addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), or division (/) applied to the variables or numbers to determine their relationship.

If you intended to ask a specific question related to the number 47, please provide more information or clarify your query so that I can assist you accordingly.