fill in the words for a meaningful sentence a blank is a relationship between two or more blank denominator, numerator, proportion, or ratios

A proportion is a relationship between two or more ratios, where the numerator is compared to the denominator.

To fill in the blanks for a meaningful sentence, we need to identify the correct words based on the given context.

In this case, the sentence should be something like:

"A blank is a relationship between two or more blanks, [denominator], [numerator], [proportions], or [ratios]."

Let's break down the terms and explain their meanings:

1. Denominator: In a fraction, the denominator represents the total number of equal parts into which something is divided. It appears below the fraction line.
2. Numerator: In a fraction, the numerator represents the number of parts from the whole that we are considering. It appears above the fraction line.
3. Proportion: A proportion is a statement of the equality between two ratios or two fractions. It shows that two sets of values are in balance or proportional to each other.
4. Ratios: Ratios are a comparison of two quantities in terms of their sizes or values. They are typically expressed in the form of a fraction or using a colon (e.g., 2:3, 2/3).

Putting it all together, the completed sentence would be:

"A ratio is a relationship between two or more denominators, numerators, proportions, or ratios."

A ratio is a relationship between two or more denominators, numerators, proportions, or ratios.