The prompt for your Summary Literary Analysis Essay is this:

"Write a literary analysis essay to demonstrate three literary elements from that essay such as how and why the author used specific ideas, word choices, or writing structures to convey his or her message."

Use the steps in the "Model" checklist to draft a thesis statement for your literary analysis essay. When you have finished drafting your thesis statement, type it in the box below.

In the essay, the author effectively uses symbolism, vivid imagery, and juxtaposition to convey the theme of the destructive nature of revenge and the power of forgiveness.

To draft a thesis statement for your literary analysis essay, follow these steps:

1. Identify the literary elements you want to analyze from the essay.
2. Consider how and why the author used specific ideas, word choices, or writing structures to convey his or her message.
3. Think about the overall message or theme of the essay.
4. Combine these elements into a clear and concise statement that presents the focus of your analysis.

Based on the prompt, a possible thesis statement for the literary analysis essay could be:

"In the essay, the author skillfully employs metaphors, vivid imagery, and a nonlinear narrative structure to shed light on the complexities of human nature and the transformative power of love."

To draft a thesis statement for your literary analysis essay, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the essay prompt and the literary elements required.

Take some time to carefully read and understand the essay prompt. In this case, the prompt is asking you to analyze three literary elements used by the author. The prompt specifically mentions ideas, word choices, and writing structures as examples.

Step 2: Identify the literary elements in the essay.

Take a close look at the essay and identify the literary elements used by the author. Look for specific examples of how the author uses ideas, word choices, or writing structures to convey their message. Make notes of these examples as they will be helpful in developing your thesis statement.

Step 3: Analyze how and why the author used the literary elements.

Once you have identified the literary elements, analyze how and why the author used them. Consider the effect these choices have on the overall message of the essay. Think about the author's intentions and the impact these choices have on the reader.

Step 4: Develop your thesis statement.

Based on your analysis, develop a thesis statement that encapsulates your main argument about the author's use of literary elements. Your thesis statement should address the specific examples you have identified and explain how they contribute to the author's message.

For example, your thesis statement could be:
"In the essay, the author effectively employs vivid imagery, careful word choices, and a unique narrative structure to convey the theme of social injustice and its devastating impact on individuals and society."

Remember that your thesis statement should be clear, concise, and arguable. It should provide a roadmap for the rest of your essay and guide your analysis and interpretation of the literary elements.

Once you have followed these steps, you can now draft your thesis statement in the box below.