Survivors of the tsunami recognized that a receding ocean _______.

(1 point)

was a sign of danger
was a sign of danger

left pollution on shore
left pollution on shore

left boats and fish stranded on shore
left boats and fish stranded on shore

signals a coming earthquake

left boats and fish stranded on shore

1. The correct answer is: (1 point) was a sign of danger.

When survivors of the tsunami saw the ocean receding, they recognized it as a sign of danger. This phenomenon occurs when the water retreats suddenly and rapidly from the coast, exposing the ocean floor. It is an indication that a large wave, or tsunami, is approaching.

To determine the correct answer to this question, we can use common knowledge about tsunamis and the behavior of the ocean during these events.

A tsunami is a series of powerful ocean waves that can cause destruction when they reach the shore. When a tsunami is approaching, it is often preceded by a receding ocean, where the water near the shore appears to pull back or retreat. This phenomenon occurs because the leading edge of the tsunami wave pulls water away from the coast as it approaches, creating a noticeable drop in sea level.

By observing and recognizing this receding ocean as a sign of danger, survivors of the tsunami can take precautionary measures to seek higher ground or evacuate the area, thereby increasing their chances of survival.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

- A receding ocean is a sign of danger.