This stage of the epidemiological transition describes a reduced mortality associated with infectious diseases and an increase in chronic disorders associated with aging. (1 point) Responses Stage 1 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 4 Stage 5

Stage 3

The stage of the epidemiological transition that describes a reduced mortality associated with infectious diseases and an increase in chronic disorders associated with aging is Stage 3.

The correct answer is Stage 3.

To determine the correct stage of the epidemiological transition that describes a reduced mortality associated with infectious diseases and an increase in chronic disorders associated with aging, we need to understand the concept of the epidemiological transition.

The epidemiological transition is a theory that describes the changing patterns of health and disease in populations over time. It consists of several stages, each characterized by specific health conditions and causes of mortality.

To identify the correct stage, we can assess the characteristics of each stage:

1. Stage 1: This stage is characterized by high mortality rates due to infectious diseases, malnutrition, and poor sanitation. Chronic diseases are rare.

2. Stage 2: In this stage, mortality rates decrease due to improvements in healthcare, sanitation, and nutrition. Infectious diseases remain a significant cause of death, but chronic diseases start to emerge.

3. Stage 3: In this stage, there is a further decline in infectious disease mortality, and chronic diseases become the primary cause of death. This is the stage where mortality associated with infectious diseases reduces, and chronic disorders associated with aging increase.

4. Stage 4: In this stage, chronic diseases continue to be the main cause of death, but their prevalence may stabilize or even decline due to advances in healthcare and prevention.

5. Stage 5: This stage is a hypothetical stage associated with advanced healthcare systems that can prolong life expectancy and effectively manage chronic diseases, resulting in a further decrease in mortality.

Based on the characteristics described, stage 3 is the correct answer as it aligns with the reduced mortality associated with infectious diseases and an increase in chronic disorders associated with aging.