Wesley is giving a presentation in his science class and is unsure of how to pronounce the word phylum. Which resource should he consult?

an index in his textbook
a glossary in his textbook
an online dictionary
an online thesaurus

The best resource for Wesley to consult would be a glossary in his textbook. A glossary typically provides pronunciation guides for difficult words and terms.

To find the correct pronunciation of the word "phylum," Wesley should consult an online dictionary. Online dictionaries usually provide audio pronunciations along with the written phonetic representation, which will help him correctly pronounce the word during his presentation.

To find the correct pronunciation of the word "phylum," Wesley can consult multiple resources, but the most useful one would be an online dictionary. Here's how he can use each resource:

1. Index in his textbook: The index in Wesley's textbook could help him find the page or section where the word "phylum" is mentioned. However, it won't provide him with the pronunciation of the word.

2. Glossary in his textbook: The glossary is a section in the textbook that provides definitions and explanations of key terms. While it might explain what "phylum" means, it may not offer the pronunciation details.

3. Online dictionary: An online dictionary is an excellent resource to look up words and find their pronunciations. Wesley can go to a reliable online dictionary website (e.g., Merriam-Webster or Oxford English Dictionary) and search for "phylum." Along with the definition, an audio recording or phonetic transcription is often provided, which will allow Wesley to properly pronounce the word.

4. Online thesaurus: An online thesaurus is useful for finding synonyms and related words, but it doesn't provide pronunciation information. So, Wesley should prioritize consulting an online dictionary instead.