Amazon sells crayons in boxes of 8, 16, or 24 with the prices listed below. Which is the best buy?

8 crayons for $2.60
16 crayons for $3.15
24 crayons for $5.50

To determine the best buy, we need to find the price per crayon for each option.

For a box of 8 crayons for $2.60, the price per crayon is $2.60 / 8 = $0.325.

For a box of 16 crayons for $3.15, the price per crayon is $3.15 / 16 = $0.1969 rounded to four decimal places.

For a box of 24 crayons for $5.50, the price per crayon is $5.50 / 24 = $0.2292 rounded to four decimal places.

Based on the calculations, the best buy is the box of 16 crayons for $3.15, as it has the lowest price per crayon.

To determine the best buy among the three options, we need to calculate the cost per crayon for each box.

For the 8 crayons box:
Cost per crayon = Total cost / Number of crayons = $2.60 / 8 = $0.325 per crayon

For the 16 crayons box:
Cost per crayon = Total cost / Number of crayons = $3.15 / 16 = $0.1969 per crayon (approximately)

For the 24 crayons box:
Cost per crayon = Total cost / Number of crayons = $5.50 / 24 = $0.2292 per crayon (approximately)

Comparing the cost per crayon for each option, we find that the 16 crayons box has the lowest cost per crayon at approximately $0.1969. Therefore, the 16 crayons box is the best buy among the three options.

To determine which option is the best buy, we need to calculate the price per crayon for each option. We can do this by dividing the total price by the number of crayons in each box.

For the first option, 8 crayons for $2.60, the price per crayon would be calculated as $2.60/8 = $0.325 per crayon.

For the second option, 16 crayons for $3.15, the price per crayon would be calculated as $3.15/16 = $0.196875 per crayon.

For the third option, 24 crayons for $5.50, the price per crayon would be calculated as $5.50/24 = $0.2292 per crayon.

Comparing the price per crayon for each option, we can see that the second option, 16 crayons for $3.15, offers the lowest price per crayon at $0.196875. Therefore, the best buy would be the 16 crayons pack for $3.15.