Ms. Spilker rode her bike 30 miles in 2 hours. How far did she ride her bike in 0.5 hours?

To find out how far Ms. Spilker rode her bike in 0.5 hours, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

We know that Ms. Spilker rode her bike 30 miles in 2 hours. So, to find her average speed, we can divide the total distance by the total time:

Average speed = Total distance ÷ Total time
Average speed = 30 miles ÷ 2 hours
Average speed = 15 miles per hour

Now, we can use the average speed to find out how far she rode in 0.5 hours:

Distance = Speed × Time
Distance = 15 miles per hour × 0.5 hours
Distance = 7.5 miles

Therefore, Ms. Spilker rode her bike 7.5 miles in 0.5 hours.

To find out how far Ms. Spilker rode her bike in 0.5 hours, we can use a proportion.

We know that she rode her bike 30 miles in 2 hours. To set up the proportion, we can write:

30 miles / 2 hours = x miles / 0.5 hours

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply. Multiply 30 miles by 0.5 hours:

x = (30 miles * 0.5 hours) / 2 hours

Simplifying the equation, we have:

x = 15 miles / 2

Dividing 15 miles by 2, we find:

x = 7.5 miles

Therefore, Ms. Spilker rode her bike 7.5 miles in 0.5 hours.

To find out how far Ms. Spilker rode her bike in 0.5 hours, we need to find the speed at which she was riding.

Speed = Distance ÷ Time

In this case, the distance is 30 miles and the time is 2 hours:

Speed = 30 miles ÷ 2 hours
Speed = 15 miles per hour

Now that we know her speed, we can calculate how far she rode her bike in 0.5 hours by using the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

In this case, the speed is 15 miles per hour and the time is 0.5 hours:

Distance = 15 miles per hour × 0.5 hours
Distance = 7.5 miles

Therefore, Ms. Spilker rode her bike 7.5 miles in 0.5 hours.