tickets to a concert are available online for $25 plus a one time handling fee for $1.75. The total cost is a function of the number of tickets bought what function rule models the cost of the concert tickets? Evaluate the function for six tickets.

The total cost of the concert tickets can be modeled as a function of the number of tickets bought.

Let's call the number of tickets "x".

For each ticket, the cost is $25, so the cost for "x" tickets is 25 * x.
Additionally, there is a one-time handling fee of $1.75, so we add that to the cost of the tickets.

Therefore, the function rule that models the cost of the concert tickets is:
Cost(x) = 25x + 1.75

To evaluate the function for six tickets, we substitute x = 6 into the function:
Cost(6) = 25*6 + 1.75
Cost(6) = 150 + 1.75
Cost(6) = $151.75

So, the cost of six tickets is $151.75.

The cost of the concert tickets can be modeled by the following function rule:

Total Cost = (Number of Tickets) * (Cost per Ticket) + Handling Fee

In this case, the cost per ticket is $25 and the handling fee is $1.75.

So, the function rule can be written as:

Total Cost = 25(Number of Tickets) + 1.75

To evaluate the function for six tickets, substitute 6 for "Number of Tickets" in the function:

Total Cost = 25(6) + 1.75
= 150 + 1.75
= $151.75

Therefore, the total cost for six tickets would be $151.75.

To find the function rule that models the cost of the concert tickets, we need to identify the relationship between the number of tickets bought and the total cost.

From the given information, we know that each ticket costs $25, and there is a one-time handling fee of $1.75 added to the total cost. Therefore, for each ticket bought, the cost is increased by $25. Additionally, the handling fee is a fixed amount and does not depend on the number of tickets bought.

Hence, we can define the function rule as:
Cost(n) = (Ticket Price × n) + Handling Fee
where n represents the number of tickets bought, the Ticket Price is $25, and the Handling Fee is $1.75.

To evaluate the function for six tickets, we substitute n = 6 into the function:
Cost(6) = (Ticket Price × 6) + Handling Fee
Cost(6) = ($25 × 6) + $1.75
Cost(6) = $150 + $1.75
Cost(6) = $151.75

Therefore, the cost of six tickets for the concert is $151.75.