Which of these items is not an example of culture

(a) family traditions
(b) foods you eat
(c) holiday celebrations
(d) an action plan

(d) an action plan

The item that is not an example of culture is (d) an action plan.

To determine which of the items is not an example of culture, we need to understand what culture means.

Culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, traditions, customs, and practices of a particular group of people or society. It encompasses various aspects of human life, such as language, art, religion, social norms, and more.

(a) Family traditions: Family traditions are a significant part of culture as they are passed down from generation to generation, reflecting the values and customs of a family or a community. They help to shape and maintain cultural identity.

(b) Foods you eat: Food is an essential aspect of culture as it often represents a group's history, environment, and social customs. Different cuisines and cooking techniques around the world are characteristic of specific cultures, reflecting their traditions, ingredients, and eating habits.

(c) Holiday celebrations: Holidays are an integral part of culture as they are occasions that hold historical, religious, or cultural importance. Celebrations and rituals associated with holidays contribute to the preservation and expression of cultural identity and traditions.

(d) An action plan: While an action plan can be a useful tool for setting goals and implementing strategies, it is not inherently an example of culture. An action plan is a practical and organized approach to accomplishing tasks or achieving objectives, but it does not represent shared beliefs, customs, or values of a particular group of people.

Therefore, the item that is not an example of culture would be (d) an action plan.