Which of the following is the main reason Sundiata is remembered in legends?

(1 point)

He introduced Islam to West Africa.
He introduced Islam to West Africa.

He conquered Timbuktu.
He conquered Timbuktu.

He founded the Mali Empire.
He founded the Mali Empire.

He started the gold-salt trade.

He founded the Mali Empire.

The main reason Sundiata is remembered in legends is that he founded the Mali Empire.

The main reason Sundiata is remembered in legends is because he founded the Mali Empire. To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate the other options as follows:

1. "He introduced Islam to West Africa" is incorrect. While Sundiata did play a role in the spread of Islam in West Africa, it was not his main achievement that made him legendary. Therefore, this option can be eliminated.

2. "He conquered Timbuktu" is also incorrect. While Timbuktu became an important city within the Mali Empire, Sundiata himself did not conquer it personally. Therefore, this option can be eliminated.

3. "He started the gold-salt trade" is also incorrect. The gold-salt trade was already present in the region before Sundiata's time. While he certainly participated in this trade, it was not his main legacy. Therefore, this option can also be eliminated.

By process of elimination, the only remaining option is "He founded the Mali Empire." Sundiata's establishment of the Mali Empire and his role in unifying the Mandinka people are what made him a legendary figure in West African history.