The______________ within a story are the people and/or objects that the story is about.

1. Plot.
2. Characters.
3. Setting.
4. Timeline.

2. Characters.

The answer is 2. Characters.

The correct answer is option 2: Characters.

To identify the characters within a story, you can focus on the people and/or objects that the story revolves around. Characters are the individuals who drive the narrative forward and carry out the actions within the plot.

To determine the characters in a story, you can follow these steps:
1. Read or listen to the story: Engage with the text or audio to gain an understanding of the narrative.
2. Pay attention to the individuals mentioned: Take note of the people who are described, named, or interact with others within the story.
3. Identify the central figures: Recognize the individuals who play crucial roles in the story's events, emotions, and development.
4. Observe character descriptions: Look for information about their appearance, personality traits, thoughts, and behaviors, which are often provided by the author to help readers visualize and understand the characters better.

By considering these factors, you can identify the characters within a story and enhance your comprehension of the narrative.