What is the main exception to the "winner-takes-all" rule in the Electoral College system?

1 point
California and Texas
New York and Florida
Maine and Nebraska
Illinois and Pennsylvania

Maine and Nebraska are the main exception to the "winner-takes-all" rule in the Electoral College system.

The main exception to the "winner-takes-all" rule in the Electoral College system is Maine and Nebraska.

The main exception to the "winner-takes-all" rule in the Electoral College system is the states of Maine and Nebraska. Instead of awarding all of their electoral votes to the candidate who wins the popular vote in the state, they have a different method of apportioning their electoral votes based on the outcome in each congressional district. Both Maine and Nebraska allocate two electoral votes to the statewide popular vote winner, and then distribute the remaining electoral votes based on who wins in each individual congressional district. This means that it is possible for the electoral votes to be split between multiple candidates in these states, unlike the other states where it is a winner-takes-all approach.