Unit Rates & Proportions Unit Test 8 of 158 of 15 Items Question Identify the table that demonstrates a proportional relationship.(1 point) Responses x y 10 2 15 3 40 8 x y 10 2 15 3 40 8 x y 4 2 9 3 16 4x y 4 2 9 3 16 4 x y 8 2 12 3 40 4x y 8 2 12 3 40 4 x y 2 10 5 20 6 30

The table that demonstrates a proportional relationship is:

x y
10 2
15 3
40 8

The table that demonstrates a proportional relationship is:

x y
10 2
15 3
40 8

To identify the table that demonstrates a proportional relationship, we need to look for a consistent ratio between the values of x and y.

Let's analyze each table:

Table 1:
x: 10, 15, 40
y: 2, 3, 8
The ratio between the values of x and y is not consistent. For example, the ratio between 10 and 2 is 10/2 = 5, but the ratio between 40 and 8 is 40/8 = 5. The ratios are different, so this table does not demonstrate a proportional relationship.

Table 2:
x: 10, 15, 40
y: 2, 3, 8
Similar to Table 1, the ratio between the values of x and y is not consistent. For example, the ratio between 10 and 2 is 10/2 = 5, but the ratio between 40 and 8 is 40/8 = 5. The ratios are different, so this table does not demonstrate a proportional relationship.

Table 3:
x: 4, 9, 16
y: 2, 3, 4
The ratio between the values of x and y is consistent. For example, the ratio between 4 and 2 is 4/2 = 2, the ratio between 9 and 3 is 9/3 = 3, and the ratio between 16 and 4 is 16/4 = 4. The ratios are the same, so this table demonstrates a proportional relationship.

Table 4:
x: 4, 9, 16
y: 2, 3, 4
Similar to Table 3, the ratio between the values of x and y is consistent. Each value of x is multiplied by 4 to get the corresponding value of y, maintaining a constant ratio of 4. This table demonstrates a proportional relationship.

Table 5:
x: 2, 5, 6
y: 10, 20, 30
The ratio between the values of x and y is not consistent. For example, the ratio between 2 and 10 is 2/10 = 1/5, but the ratio between 5 and 20 is 5/20 = 1/4. The ratios are different, so this table does not demonstrate a proportional relationship.

From the analysis, we can see that Table 3 and Table 4 demonstrate a proportional relationship.