Which sentence uses the past tense verb be in the subjunctive mood?(1 point)


We were excited about his first book.
We were excited about his first book.

You are interested in reading.
You are interested in reading.

I wish he were more prolific.
I wish he were more prolific.

He is an interesting author.

I wish he were more prolific.

The sentence that uses the past tense verb "be" in the subjunctive mood is: "I wish he were more prolific."

To determine if a verb is in the subjunctive mood, we often look for sentences that express a hypothetical or contrary-to-fact condition. In this case, the verb "were" is used instead of "was" in the phrase "he were more prolific." This use of "were" with a singular subject is a characteristic of the subjunctive mood.

The sentence that uses the past tense verb "be" in the subjunctive mood is: "I wish he were more prolific."