Who was the Spanish craftsman who started building guitars in the 1800s?

Antonio de Torres was the Spanish craftsman who is credited with revolutionizing the design and construction of the modern classical guitar in the 19th century.

The Spanish craftsman who is widely credited with starting the modern era of guitar making in the 19th century is Antonio de Torres Jurado. He is often referred to as "Antonio de Torres" and is considered one of the greatest guitar makers in history. His innovations in guitar design, such as the increasing the size of the guitar body, improving the internal bracing, and using new materials, had a significant influence on the development and evolution of the classical guitar. Torres guitars are highly sought after by musicians and collectors to this day.

The Spanish craftsman who started building guitars in the 1800s is Antonio de Torres Jurado. To find the answer, you can start by searching for "Spanish guitar craftsman 1800s" or a similar query on a search engine like Google.

Upon searching, you will come across various sources and references to Antonio de Torres Jurado, who is widely regarded as one of the most influential guitar makers in history. He is credited with transforming the design and construction of guitars, introducing features that are still used in modern classical guitars today.