Which of the following is a purpose of stage directions?

to tell what the characters are saying to each other

to suggest a character’s feelings to the actor

to list the characters of the play

to describe the setting of a scene

to describe the setting of a scene

The purpose of stage directions is to suggest a character's feelings to the actor.

To arrive at this answer, it's important to understand what stage directions are and how they function in a play. Stage directions are instructions written by the playwright that guide actors, directors, and production crews on how the play should be performed. These directions can include details about the characters' movements, gestures, expressions, and emotions.

While stage directions do provide information about the setting of a scene, list characters, and describe the actions of the play, their primary purpose is to provide insight into how a character should portray their emotions. This helps actors bring the characters to life and convey their feelings to the audience effectively.

Therefore, the correct answer is "to suggest a character's feelings to the actor".

The purpose of stage directions is to describe the setting of a scene.